Emproto’s successful 2020 to pave a path for a roaring 2021!

Emproto Technologies
2 min readJan 4, 2021

Bringing innovation to your doorstep, Emproto Technologies is where technology meets product. And while we strive to help you innovate and give life to your ideas, customer experience is our top priority. We have a cross-functioning team of experts that work in close coordination with customers to build world class products.

The year 2020 has been an economical and emotional rollercoaster globally. But technologically speaking, it has been all about AI and machine learning. Whether it is creating intelligent machines that can simulate human thinking or their real-world applications of learning from gathered data; these technologies represent not just the present but our future as well. At Emproto, our primary focus this year has been implementing the technologies of artificial intelligence and its subset machine learning to serve our clients.

We ventured into Generative Adversarial Network(GAN), a machine learning framework wherein two neural networks, generator and discriminator, contest with each other. While the discriminator network can distinguish between real and fake data, the generator network produces fake data to fool the discriminator network. Our GAN’s, which are constantly evolving and getting better, work by making our generator networks learn how to make fake data close enough to fool the discriminator. This is a never-ending learning process that has found real-world applications in generation fashion images for designer clothes and generating unique design patterns for houses. The technology can also find future use in Speech2Face and low-resolution to high-resolution image conversion. Having successfully employed the technology for a leading watch brand, we hope to put it to manifold uses in the subsequent years.

Considering the real-world problems in modern society; video surveillance and along with that video analytics is gaining increasing importance. Facial detection, people counting, automatic license plate detection, object detection and recognition; the applications of Video analytics are endless. In 2020, we worked with Chopserve, a meat and fish delivery platform and amassed remarkable data points that helped the company.

In the year 2020, while many industries saw a slump, we at Emproto saw a massive growth with 3X revenue as compared to the previous year. We rolled out many new technologies and even observed a 30% increase in the number of people onboarded. Having primarily catered to Indian companies up until now, we at Emproto envision a wider reach in the coming year. We plan to expand on a global level and explore not just newer industries but also newer geographies.

